Cusco - Cuesta de Santa ana

Cusco, the archaeological capital of America was the main city in Tahuantinsuyo Empire considered by the Incas like the center of the world.

The Empire city of Cusco offers beautiful landscapes and a closening to the Inkas culture, not only for the ruins but for the people and customs, that strange but rich mixture of the old Europe and the new continent.

Just like in every great tourist destination in the world, Cusco never sleeps and lives its night intensely.

When the day ends, the pubs, bars and clubs awaken and are willing to entertain to anyone who is open to have a good time.

One night at the Imperial City of Cusco can include pan flutes that tune popular songs, not only from the local folklore, but also classics  from all over the world.

This fusion enchants the visitor and invites them to get deep into a night of fun and dancing without limits. This is why many of these venues open the night with such shows.

To go out to dance and have fun you can choose from a great variety of styles: pop, rock, reggae, hip hop, salsa, on top of musical mixes and fusions.

The most visited places are in the Main Square, San Blas and surrounding areas. So now you know, if you visit Cusco, entertainment is guaranteed.

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