On one of our trips around Peru we were told this legend, it was said that after the Ayacucho battle the Spaniards ran away with all of their treasures, and once close to Huanta in the Rasuhuilca hill they couldn’t go on with so many treasures and before they fell onto the hands of their enemies they opted for throwing them on the lagoon nearby.

It is said that in those times the waters of the lagoon were crystal clear, but with all of the bounties that were thrown it lost its clarity and became known as Yanacocha (dark well).

Along with the bounties, a young man was thrown in the waters and he drowned. And so it is said that at night a golden bull emerges tied with a golden chain, the bull always tries to escape but it can’t because the chain is held by a beautiful mermaid of golden hair.

At midnight, in the middle of the struggle of the bull with the mermaid a voice can be heard saying: I’m a young man that comes to get the treasure but I am trapped turned into a bull, if you break the spell I can still be saved.

Many try to take out the treasure but as soon as they get into the lagoon they disappear forever on its dark waters.

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